Been away a bit...sorry about that.
So, in the last two weeks have been good where 40k is concerned. On the 24th of last month, I got to play in my first tournament in 2 years, the 2250pt 40k meltdown hosted by the deathjesters gaming group outta knoxville TN. I won 1, lost two. Placed 18th outta 28. I can live with that, especially considering the army was only half painted at best. Here is what I took....
HQ: Company Command Squad
Capt. w/ Power Fist
regimental std, vox, medic, 2 bodyguards
5 Ogryn
10 Storm Trooper Squad
Flamer x1; Grenade Launcher x1;
sgt had pwn weapon
1st platoon -
Cmmand squad w/ power fist officer, vox and 3 grenade launchers
2 squads with autocannon and grenade launchers, vox
Heavy Weapons Squad with 3 Mortar
2nd platoon -
Command squad w/ power fist officer, vox and 3 grenade launchers
2 squads with autocannon and grenade launchers, vox
Heavy Weapons Squad with 3 Mortar
3rd platoon -
Command squad w/ power fist officer, vox and 3 grenade launchers
2 squads with autocannon and grenade launchers, vox
Heavy Weapons Squad with 3 Las Cannon
Heavy Weapons Squad with 3 Missile Launchers
Fast Attack:
1 Hellhound
Heavy Flamer; Dozer Blade
Heavy Support:
1 Leman Russ Battle Tank
Lascannon; Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2; Dozer Blade
1 Leman Russ Demolisher
Lascannon; Plasma Cannon Sponsons x2; Dozer Blade
1 Leman Russ Exterminator
Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2; Dozer Blade; Pintle Heavy Stubber
First game was against a Space Wolf player. I don't recall the exact content of his army, but I know it contained one nasty unit of Thunderwolves. They got a charge off against two of the merged infantry platoons and my ogryn, breaking them all on the first round of combat.Things went down hill from there. I was able too hurt him atleast, but in the end I got tabled.
Second games was against my buddy Da Masta Cheef and his guard army. We had our usuall knock down drag out brawl. In the end, he was able to sneak out a close win...(revenge will be had..)..
Third game was against another friend of mine, Carl and his eldar. This was the one game outta all my games where everything just clicked. Second turn I was able to cut lose with all of my firepower and hurt him pretty bad. Time ran out half way thru the game, leaving me in control of the objective and netting me max point, but it was a deceiving win...with more time his tanks were set to hurt me badly...
So what did I learn from this tourney? First, I gotta wrap my head around my troop choices. I'm use too playing deathguard...have played them for 5-6 years now. Losing gobs of infantry like I did in that tourney scares me a lil. And I need to figure out what I'll do for objective holders I can rely on.
Second, I need to find a balance between movement and firepower. In my last game I had a turn where I just sat there and cut lose with everything I had, and man it was impressive! But in doing so I almost put myself in a spot where I would not have been able to capture the objective. It was only due to some luck order rolls that I was able to get a platoon in there and camp it in time to win when time ran out. Do I need to balance the platoons out a lil....static squads providing heavy weapons support and mobile squads lacking the heavy weapon so they are free too run around and grab area on the table for me?....or stick with the gun heavy platoons I prefer?....or scrap it entirely and get chimeras? things much playtesting will be needed...
What work were the tanks...and they worked in spades. The Space Wolf player was surprised at the hell a demolisher could cause, and went outta his way too silence it. The Exterminator was very nice in it's dual role of horde killer/transport killer....and the hell hound hurt Carl's rangers in our 3rd game.
This was probley one of the best run tourneys I've ever been involved in. Looking forward to there next one!
In other news, no pictures this week. I've been painting on some oygrn lately, and the exterminator I posted about is getting a base coat atm. Will throw something online this weekend too show off the progress.
That's it for now....sorry for the grammar/spelling mistakes...English pwns me sometime...;p...